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Week 7


  • Fix Joda error in user Activity endpoint
  • Modify query for top 10 users by overall activity endpoint according to ETL
  • Modify query for users with %visits endpoint according to ETL
  • Modify query for Top 5 users with most cancelled visits endpoint according to ETL

Screenshots / Videos

Canned analytics HR tab listening to all the new endpoints modified according to ETL

Screenshot from 2023-08-20 13-32-28

Screenshot from 2023-08-20 13-32-47

Screenshot from 2023-08-20 13-33-13



  • Fixing the error in Joda - Joda date/time type org.joda.time.DateTime not supported by default: add Module "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-joda" to enable handling.
  • Added Joda Module in build.gradle and registered it using ObjectMapper in order to fix this.
  • Using schemaMetadata in order to fetch all the required tables from ETL.
  • Modifying query using loops to incorporate all the changes.